How To Get Water Out Of A Bike Frame?

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A mountain bike near a barbwire fence - How To Get Water Out Of A Bike Frame?

Even the most avid keepers of mountain bikes will run into failures in their rides systems and seals, which will sometimes become apparent when water starts collecting on the inside of the frame.

This can be a severe issue that can lead to rusting and possible integrity failure of the frame during mid-ride, ending up in an unfortunate accident.

There will be a few different ways for a frame to be drained; some will go for complete deconstruction to troubleshoot the spot where a seal broke and rebuild the bike with renewed gaskets and greasing.


Why Does it Happen?

The main reason for there to be water on the inside of a bike frame would be gasket failure or another sealant failure. This occurs over time; with all things, time decay and usage wear are the main reasons behind the failures.

A good way to prevent gaskets from breaking is always to have them oiled and well-greased. This action will keep the material from completely drying out, cracking, and possibly disintegrating.

Another reason could be a puncture in the metal of the frame, which can be easily found if a thorough handover is performed.


How Should You Remove it?

As mentioned in the first section, there are going to be some that lean toward the total deconstruction of the drain and then diagnose where the leak might be.

This way, simple troubleshooting can be performed, and at the same time, repairs can be made when reconstruction occurs.

Other forms of finding the leak and draining of the frame will not allow for such an efficient diagnosis and repair process but will be just as effective as removing the water.

If you are concerned about the integrity of your ride, take the bike to an expert and have them fix any issues with it.


What should you use to remove it?

In the method mentioned earlier, gravity will be your best tool to remove the water from the inner frame. Most methods will include a simple hang-and-dry technique, but there will be some tools for the pressurized systems that will remove water with suction.

If you are indoors, consider using a towel under the frame to catch any moisture that might drain from the bike. If you are doing this outdoors, consider having all the necessary tools for taking apart and reconstructing the bike with new gaskets.


How often Do You Need to Do it?

This depends on individual circumstances, which can cause different types of decay and wear from different levels of riding.

The more hardcore trail riders of BMX will be crossing some of the toughest terrains at some of the fastest speeds, which includes rock and larger features that will rattle and shock the frame, testing the durability of the entire system, not just the gaskets.

There is no standard time to do this type of fix or repair, this type of work will only need to be done on a situation-to-situation basis and only when the water issue occurs.


Common Mistakes You need to Avoid

The most common mistake would be leaving the water on the inside of the frame and allowing the metal to rust from the inside out. Most casual bike owners will not realize that the damage is taking place, but it can easily be checked for and prevented in most cases.

The next most common mistake is not asking for help; many experts and knowledgeable riders have experienced this issue and have techniques to drain the water out. Even when the bike is new, be sure to check over the seals and gaskets regularly to ensure their hold.


Final Thoughts on How to get Water out of a Bike frame

What seems like a non-issue or a thing that would not need to be worried about could cause a significant injury if not addressed in time.

This situation can easily be avoided by regularly checking the bike’s frame and gaskets, an innovative practice to prevent any other structural failures.

Remember, if you have any doubts, take your bike to an expert or replace the bike entirely to avoid any unnecessary injuries or bike damage.

BMX bikes go through a bunch of abuse from the mountain terrain, and the rough trails and any jumps or air will test the suspension. All of this will accelerate the rate of damage and will require replacement parts and upgrades annually, at least.